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Mercurius politicus, Number 247, 1st-8th March 1655 E.829[16]

command the Kings Army in Piedmont, holds true
and the Marquis de St. Andre Montbrun shall be
his lieut. Generall, who hath hope of having the
Staff and Title of Marshall of France giuen him,
at the opening of the next Campagne. Besides, the
King hath gratified the Count of Harcourt with
the government of the Province of Anjou, which
was possessed by the Duke of Rohan, Chabot, newly
deceased; and this the Count hath, in recompence
for his voluntary Surrender of the Upper and
lower Alsatia into the Kings hands.
We are advised here by Letters from Autwerp,
what Troubles & Tumults have been in that City
by reason of the New Imposts laid upon Merchandise
by the Spaniard; which they stoutly opposed,
alledging, that they were almost quite
beggard by the Somms of money formerly advanced
for Pay of the Armies, insomuch that a
Revolt was feared; but now they are quieted again
by the Count of Fuenfaldagne, lieut gen. of
the Spanish Army.
The Letters from Ualenshienne say nothing of the
Prince of Conde but that he often goes between
that Place and Malines, where the Princesse, his
wife, continues being great with Child.
Monsieur de Bordeu[unr]z, Father of the Ambassador
in England, is said to have received Letters from
his son at London, importing, that the Treaty of
Peace had been concluded and arrested, and that
the sealing of it by the Commissioners of the
Councill was deferred till the day after: But that
within few hours after he recieved a Pacquet by a
Courier sent on purpose out of France, wherein he
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