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Mercurius politicus, Number 264, 28th June-5th July 1655 E.845[13]

extremely abated, Nay, there is ground enough
to believe, that we may rest pretty secure as to
new disturbances, in case you keep all quiet in
From Paris, Jane 30.stilo news.
Little progress in action is made as yet upon
the Frontiers. But the Court searing least the
Spaniards should make some Attempt upon St.
Quintin, have reinforced that Place with a Regiment
of Italians. They have sent also supplies
of men and all manner of previsions and ammunition
to the severall garrisons of Bethune,
Heidin, and la Bassee for fear lest they should enterprise
upon any of those Places.
The King is still at la Fere, and from thence
we hear, that they are preparing a great Convoy
to relieve that part of our Army which lies at the
siege before Landrecie. It is to be conducted
thither by Marshal de Grandmont, by the way
of Guise, where Marshall Tureine, his Majesties
Generall, lies enquarter'd with order from the
King not to stirr thence, but there to take care
for the carrying on of the siege aforesaid, and
supplying the soldiery with necessaries. And
herein the greater diigence is used, because the
Court hath been alarm'd with news that the
Prince of Conde was come to Mont in Heynault
with 10000. horse: being resolved to attempt the
releeving of Landrecie, and he hath order'd his
Foot also to take the Field hereupon, its said,
the King hath sent new order to Marshall
Tureine to march with his Army with all speed
to a Post of very great advantage which lies betwixt
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