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Mercurius politicus, Number 264, 28th June-5th July 1655 E.845[13]

Council have made duke Charls of Loraine close
prisoner again, it being said that he had an intent
to make an escape into Portugall.
From the Camp before Castillon, of the II.
Instant, its written that the prince of Conti had
made so good progress there, that they hoped
within 8 daies to become Master of the place,
and then if the Fleet come timely, to fall on
Out of Bretaigne it is certified, that the estates.
Of that Province have agreed to the demand of
4 millions for a present to his Majesty.
The Publication of the Popes Jubile which
was prohibited by the Councill, is now forborne
by all the Priests in Paris, who pleaded their
duty to have published it, by vertue of an order
from Cardinal de Reiz their Archbishop. They
are now of another mind. The news holds still,
that the Pope hath appointed l2. Cardinals to
hear and examine the Charge of the King against
the said Cardinal, who is a men in much reputation
with the Court of Rome.
From Venice, June. 4.
Our Proveditor generall Morosini hath set faile
from the Dardanellies to waylay the Turks in
their passage. All things are very plentifull in
the City of Candie, so that they have no feare
the Turkish Forces being so poor and low, that
without immediate supplies their General.
Ussi[unr]rm will be constrained to quit it.
From Gena[unr], June 13.
This State has given the French King leave of
passage for 4000 foot, and 500 horse, through
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