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Mercurius politicus, Number 264, 28th June-5th July 1655 E.845[13]

By the Contractors for Sale of Deans and Chapters lands.
June 29. 1655.
WHere as there are sufficient of the said
Lands sold to satisfie all Lenders of
mony upon that security (the last doubled, 5000l.
excepted) yet, if there be any Creditors not
fully paid, they are hereby required to make
their Claims of what Debts are still owing
to them to the Register-Accomptant, on, or before
the first of August next. Which, if they shal
neglect to do after this publique notice, they will
there by render themselves inexcusabl[unr], in that
they wil neither take Lands, nor dispose of their
Bills, and us justified in the speedy sale of the
said Lands, though upon other securities or appointments,
for the advantage of the State.
Signed by appointment of the Contractors
William Tayleure, Clerk
attending them.
From Stockholm, June 3.
Last week, their Majesties of Sweden, accompanied
by all the Lords of this Court, assisted at
the Funerall solemnity of Mary-Elenor Queen
D[unr]wager, which was performed with the usuall
Ceremonies, and her Body interred in the Scpulchre
of her husband the great Gustavus. The
King makes haste with the preparations for his
departure, which will be immediately after the
end of the Diet or Parlament. Which is to rise
the roof this month.
Here is an Envoye arrived from the Grand
Cham of Tartary, with a Retinue of 17 persons
to complement his Majesty touching his reception
of this Crown.
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