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Mercurius politicus, Number 264, 28th June-5th July 1655 E.845[13]

From Warsovia in Poland, June 4.
The Diet here all agreed about taking a course
for the defence of the Kingdom, and supplying
the Frontiers with Necessaries, especially those
parts, where they have most casue to fear the
We have here an Ambassador from the grand
Cham, who is come to give his Majesty of Poland
assurance that his Master is ready to march
with the Tartarian Forces to the place appointed,
and will be with his Army within 6 week in
the Palatinate of Kiovie against the Cosacks.
In the mean time, our Enemses the Mose[unr]vites
lye still before Dunenbourg, which they finde a
more difficult Piece to take than they imagined.
We have advice also, that the great Duke him.
Self is in the City of Smolen[unr]ko with 5 Coomen.
There is an honorable person to go into Sweden
to Treat about a perpetuall peace with that
From Brussels, June 23.
At length the French Army is let down before
Landrecy, e[unr]nd on the 18. instant they began the
siege, since which time they have used all diligence
in compleating their Lines about it, which
is in a manner already done. Hereupon divers
parties are sent for the reinforcement of our Garrisons
upon the Frontiers, and the Count of Ligneville
is for the same purpose gone to Valenciennes.
Also, the Prince of Simay Governour of
Luxeinburgh went away the same day with 400
horse and 200 foot to joyn with the Garisons of
Arlon and Montmedy. The Archduke is at
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