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Mercurius politicus, Number 264, 28th June-5th July 1655 E.845[13]

the King, that the Enemy was passed the River
Escaut and come to Valencienne; divers Courtiers
were immediately dispatched away to our
Governors of Garisons upon the Frontires, to
give them inteligence of it, that they might stand
upon their guard. The same night 4 Fathers Jesuits
were sent along with the Convoy to Landrecie,
whom the Queen maintains at her owne
charge during their residence with the Army.
On the 26. the newes came that the Prince of
Conde was encamped between Bouehaim and
Valencienne, with design to intercept the Convoys
going hence for the supply of Guise, Laon,
St Quintin and Quesnoy.
From Turin, June 18.
Our Savoy horse have received Orders to be
at the Rendezvouz in the plain of Millefieur, on
the 23.instant, where their Royall Highnesses
intend to take a view of them before they joyn
with the Army.
The Earl of Bristol, one of the Lieut: generals
of the French Army, is lately arived in this City,
from whence he intends suddenly to post aster
Prince Thomas, who is already upon his
From Marselles, June 33.
Upon the 17 instant, the Du: of Vendosme arived
here from Aix, where he was received with
Volleys innumerable of great Guns, and all possible
demonstrations of honor. He staid here 3.
days to compose some differences among us, and
then returned to Toulor, from whence wee understand,
That most of the men of Warr belonging
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