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Mercurius politicus, Number 264, 28th June-5th July 1655 E.845[13]

the Mediterranean Sea against the Turkish Pirats,
is now to be sent to some other part; The
dispatching of Forces to guard the Frontires, is
still in hand, and orders are sent to several Commanders
to remove to such places as are appointed
them upon the Frontires; bu the marching
of the Swedes Armies toward Pomeranis, may
lessen the number of Forces that were ordered
to secure those parts.
From paris, July 3. Stile novo.
The Letters from la Fere of June 26. do advise,
that the Lines of Circumvallation were finished
before Landrecie, upon the opening who of the
Besieged made divers Sallies. also, that the
of Conde intends to rendezvous his army round
about St Quintin; so that his Majesty immediately
sent Marshall de Grandmont thither with a
party of horse to stengthen the place. The
Court removes shortly from la Fere to Soistons,
and from thence to Compeigne. Other Letters
from la Fere say, that the queen, and her son
the Monsieur, were departed thence toward Soisons,
being accompanied 3 Leagues on their way
by his Majesty, who then lest them and returned,
intending to stay at la Fere with the Cardinall,
till the taking of Landrecy. The Part of Condes
Forces make excursions as far as St Simon, which
is not far from la Fere. In the fallies at Landrecy
many have bin stain and wounded on both sides,
and taken prisoners.
Within these few days, one who had blalphe,
med the name of God and the blessed Virgin, after
he had first made confection of his fault before
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