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Mercurius politicus, Number 265, 5th-12th July 1655 E.848[9]

Bastille sent to apprehend him, but he got him
out of the way, hearing of the Governors Intentions.
The Venetian Amabassador who resided in this
Court, went this day hence towards England,
as Ambassador extraordinary from that Republick
to the Protector.
Letters from Soissons of the 3 instant, do
advise that the King and Cardinal Mazarin came
thither on the Friday before, where the Cardinal
had a Fit of the Stone-Colick, which may stay
them there for a few daies, and afterwards they
goe for Compiegne.
The Letters from Cambray do certie, that the
Spanish Council of Warr is held at Chastcau
Cambresi, where is present the Prince of Conde,
the Archduke Leopold, and the rest of the grandees
of that Army. There the Prince of Conde
declared his judgment how necessary it was that
some course should be taken for the releef of
Landrecie, and how easie it is to bee done, and
to possess themselves of those Passages by which
the Convoys are to go to the Armys of France;
which being done they must soon be in distresse
for provisions; This motion was approved by
the whole Council, and before they brake up,
the Archduke, according to the express Order
sent from the Court of Spaine, declared the said
Prince Generalissimo of all the Spanish Armies
in the low Countries. This prince in persuance
of his design, hath already possessed himselfe of
the severall Passes of Wadencou[unr], A[unr]ape,
Bochain, and Castillon, along the River of Oyse,
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