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Mercurius politicus, Number 265, 5th-12th July 1655 E.848[9]

where he intends to intrench himselfe, having
on the one side of him the River, and on the
other side a wood, so that it will be a very difficult
mattet to assaile him. The same Letters say
his Army consists of 14000 horse and 10000
foot, besides those Forces that are in Luxemburg
and about Abbeville.
By other Letters, of the third instant, do certifie,
that notwithstanding the Intrenchment of
the Prince in the aforesaid Passes whereby he
will be able to stop supplies and Convoys from
Saint Quintin, Guise, and Peronne, to the French
Army, yet Marshall Tureine told his Majesty,
that he made no question but to become Master
of Landrecie by the 15. instant. The Batteries
are begun on 3 severall Places, viz by the Quarters
commanded by the Marshals Tureine and
de la Ferte, and by that which is commanded by
the Marquis of uxelles, each of them having
a Battery made of ten peeces of Ordnance,
playing upon the place night and day without
intermission. Our Kings Army consists of 30000
men effective.
It is certified hither by letters from the duke
of Savoy's Court at Turin, that the grand Seignior
having received intelligence at Constantinople
of Generall Blake the Englishmans burning the
9 men of Warr belonging to Tunis, which ships
were designed for Candia (as is said) in the
Turks service against the Venetians, hath in
revenge caused the Throats of the English
Ambassador and all the Merchants to be cut, and
and their estates to be confiscated amounting to
18 millions of Crowns.
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