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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

Num. 268
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designe
new on foot in the three Nation:
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
It à vertere Seris Horat. De
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday July:26. To Thursday August 2. 1655.
From Dublin, July 17.
Since the coming over of the Lord Henry
Cromwell, who was recieved here with all
possible demonstrations of honor both
from the Civil and military Powers little
of moment hath been dispatched, but
things are agitated by way of Consultation,
which we expect shortly to see in Act. There is a
course taking to put the great Seale in Ure, and the
Chancerie, and so to dispose of matters in all the Courts of
Justice, that there may be as ready and orderly a course of
administration as you have in England. And if you have
any Lawyers to spare in England (as tis like you have)
they may doe well to come hither; the ordinary sort with
you may passe for Sages here.
We have not yet done dividing of Lands, nor is the great
work of Transplantation (about which there hath been so
much banding) as yet completed. The Councill will shortly
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