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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

pitch upon som way to put that business in more
effectuall execution. This Countrey is (blessed
be God) in a very fair way of settlement, the
Roads secure, Husbandry reviving, & little news
of any lurking Rogues or Tories by Land, or of
Pirats by Sea, so that we may be happy if we wil.
The Lord Henry appears here in the character of
being one of the Councill, and Major general of
the Army in Ireland.
From Genoa, July 27.
The Cardinal Durazzo our Archbishop, is arived
here from Rome. The two Galleys which
are to carry the young Princess of Modena arived
two dayes since to Sarona, and yesterday about
noon they were forced (by reason of the foule
weather) to come into this Port, where having
remained about 2 hours (the weather changing,
they went on their way towards Viragie, where
the young Princess is to be received with great
State. The same day we also received Letters that
the Duke de Modena was marched in the field, to
joyn with the French Army under the command
of Pr: Thomaso, who was also gon toward Milan.
From Rome, July 5.
Upon St Peters Eve was used the ceremony of
presenting a white Horse to the Pope, in the
name of the King of Spain, as it is yearly practised,
as an hommage for the Kingdome of Naples,
which he holds as a Fief of the Church, the some
being performed by the Duke de Terranova Ambassador
of that Crown, with such ceremonies
and state as is usually don. The Pope continues
in his resolution to give audience to the Ambassador
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