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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

of Portugall, which he was waited for so
many years; which thing does much startle the
Spanish Faction, and therefore endevour to prevent
From Venice, July 5.
By the last Letters from Constantinople we hear,
That since the death of the grand Vizier, their
affairs were in a better condition, the difference
between the Spahies and Janifaries being now
ended with moneys, which hitherto has been
known to be the most powerfull means that can
be used in those parts for the composing of any
differences; That the Capt. Bashaw, who is now
grand Vizier, doth of en view the Arsenall, to
hasten the going out of their Fleet; and that its
very probable they wil employ their Navy upon
the Black Sea against the Cossacks, who doe much
infest those parts, rather than come out against
this State, to whom they seem to proffer some
way of accommodation. Our Generalissimo Morcella
is preparing with all speed possible for Candia,
and will be gon hence etc long.
From Mullen, July 8.
All the Countrey is extremely frighted since
the Prince Thomaso is marched so strong into the
field: Our Forces in the field being so inconsiderable,
that all we can do, is to stand in a defensive
posture, part of the Army being put into Pavia
and Cremona, upon suspition that the Enemy intends
against one or both of those places, which
we hope are well provided:
From Paris, July 28. stdlenova.
Its currently reported here still, That the Pr:
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