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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

of Conde is endevoring an accommodation with
the Court, the care of which business the Prince
has recommended by Letters to the Marshall of
Grandmont, as relying upon his Interest and prudence
to effect it.
We have advise from Guise, That they were
preparing to receive the King in that Town, his
Majesty intending to pass through it to Lanarecy,
where the Breaches are already repaired, and the
Works levelled which had been raised by the
Besiegers to annoy the Town. The Terms upon
which the Spaniards surrendred that place,
are summ'd up in brief as follows. 1. That the
Governor with all Officers and Souldiers should
march out, with all that belong'd to them, with
Drums beating, Colours flying, &c. and have a
Convoy to Valencienne. 2. That nothing in the
Magazins of Arms and Provisions should be imbesiled.
3. That Fugitives be surrendred on both
sides, and prisoners set at liberty. 4. That such
sick and wounded as could not remove, should
be carefully provided for. 5. That such as fled
thither for security, should have protection and
liberty to return. 6. That no injury or affront
be offred to the Churchmen or other Religious.
7. That the Magistrates and Civill Officers of the
Town should continue as they were, they taking
an Oath of fidelity to the Crown of France.
8. That the Inhabitants be protected in their
ancient priviledges.
Since the taking of this Town, the French Army
have extended their Quarters in such fort,
that they are a Terror to all the Frontires and
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