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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

Letters from Brussels of the 19. instant speak
thus: That the Marquis of Ceralue was arrived
there to serve the King of Spain in Flanders;
that the Marquis of Leyde (late Ambasador in
England) was sent to Dunkirk to take upon him
the charge of Admiral; and that Christina queen
of Sweden had not as yet been at the Spawwaters,
nor is like to go thither, she preparing
herself to take a journey into Italy, and Don Piemontelli,
who was formerly the King of Spains
Ambassador resident with her in Sweden, is one
of those that are to attend her. Lastly, that the
whole Country of Flanders had taken the alarm
upon the surrender of Landrecie, and the retreat
of their Forces.
The last Aviso's out of Flanders endeavor to
excuse the sudden surrender of Landrecie, alledging
that their Generals, had they not been
misiaformed, would have attempted a raising of
the siege: but it is said, that Mr. Maugre the
Governor of the place, and others who commanded
there, sent assurance to the Pr. Of Conde
but five days before, that they should be able to
to hold the place at least 3 weeks longer; upon
which advise, the Spanish Commanders knowing
the French Army had but 5 or 6 days provisions,
conceived they had nothing lest to do but
to lie still in their several Posts, presuming that
the French Camp coming to want provisions
within few days, must or necessity have been
constrained to raise the siege, supposing that
then they being masters of all the passes, could
not miss of an advantagious opportunity to fall
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