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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

upon the French Army. But Contrary to all expectation,
the place being yeelded within 5 days
after the Governour had promised to hold it 3.
weeks, they were fain to retire in amazement,
suspecting Treachery in the Governour, whom
they have since secured, together with some other
of the Commanders, that so the Commanders
in chief of the Spanish Armies may have
somewhat to say, in excuse and defence of themselves.
From Stockholm, June 30. S:V.
Our King has bin hether to hindred in his Design,
partly by reason of his Parlament, & partly
in expectation of the Polish Ambassador, who
arived the last week, and had Audience by the
King the second day after. His Speech consisted
most on complements, praising his Majesty, and
complaining of the Russes base cruelty, desiring
our assistance. Hee was answered by our Chancelor
in generall Terms, promising to take the
matter into consideration, and to doe therein as
the time and occasion shall permit. The same
day 4 of our Councellors were sent to him, who
had a long conference with him; he is to return
with our King, and to treat further in Pomer. Its
thought they will strive to give us all content,
and that we wil accept of reasonable conditions;
so that we do believe our polish wil not last long.
Here is also an Ambassador from Curland, who is
a Mediator in the Treaty. This day our Army
is marched 7000 Foot, our Horsemen are gone
before, and the King is to follow the 2. of July
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