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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

From Dantzick, July 21. S. N.
The Swedes have already taken Dunenburg
the 11. present by accord; what they will attempt
next, time will shew. The Littawers (as
it's reported) have plundred out Borisaw and
forsaken it, the Muscoviter advancing, against
whose power they mistrusted to maintain it.
The Cossacks have given a defeat to 6000. of
the Poles, and by yesterdays Post we have intelligence
the Swedes dispatch'd a Trumpeter to
the Waywood Weyer the 18 instant with a Letter
of distance, and so are marched towards
those borders, from whence we daily expect to
hear of acts of hostility; they bend their course
as if they intended Thern, and its verily believ'd
they will in the first place seek to master the
Wesel stream, and debar this Town of the benefit
thereof, and then having gotten fast footing
in the Land, next year will inhibit trading
for this Port; so that young Tromp's coming
into the Sound will be to small purpose for this
year: yet the Hollanders vigilancie is commendable;
for they know well, they have most
trading have most wealth and most shipping, and
then they flourish most and have the greatest
power; so that they care not who have the dominions,
so they may enjoy trading.
From the French Camp near the River of Thesin
in Italy, July 12. 1655.
Prince Thomas of Savoy being now joyned
with us in these parts against the Spanish forces,
whom the Duke of Modena had driven back in
to their own Territory of Milan, a resolution
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