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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

his Army, he would fire their Castles and houses
throughout the Country, and hinder their Trade
upon the River of Th[unr]sin.
From Dalkeith. July 21.
The last week lames Graham of Duffla, who lay
skulking about the hils, came to the General and
agreed upon Articles for his coming in; so that
now he being the last person, we have no more
to doe.
From Hamburgh, July 20.
This place is as barren of news as yours, from
whence much is expected by this People, who
think great things are a doing, in that you send
so many of the ill affected Gentry to Limbo; If
any Declaration come by the next, it will satisfy
them, at least tell the reason of their Imprisonment.
The inclosed Paper tells you how the
squares goe between the Pole and Swede, whose
actings upon his first undertaking gave just caus
to suspect hee meant not the way he now goes,
nor doe many men yet think they know well
where to six, but I hope we are here out of gunshot,
and shall keep us so by securing at home.
From Catall, July 15.
News is brought hither, That Pr: Thomas of savoy
is marched with the French Forces into the
Spaniards Territory of Milan, and that the French
A my is quarterd upon the Chanel between Milan
and Pavia, so that those two Cities are in a
great deal of fear.
And that which must be a further occasion of
Terror is, That the Duke of Modena advanced on
the 8 instant from Pressell with 5000 Foot, 2000
Horse, and 1000 Carts and Wagons laden with
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