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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

Ammunition, &c: to joyn with Prince Thomas
And for the better management of his Expedition
the said Prince has made Proclamation, forbidding
al Soldiers upon pain of death, from molesting
the Milanois Subjects, or doing them any
injury, hoping thereby to gain upon the peoples
affections, and wean them from the Spaniard.
Upon this advance of these Forces, all the
Bankers, Merchants, and chief Inhabitants of the
City of Milan have particular meetings & assemblies
of their own every day; so that the Marquis
of Caracene Governour of the City is very
jealous of their intentions, fearing least they
should revolt to France, because of the many Impositions
that he has laid upon them for the raising
of Forces. Hee has of late caused them to
bring out all their Gold and Silver plate to bee
coyned, to the value of 600000 Livres; for the
repayment whereof he has pawned to them all
his Jewels, to the end he may have mony to pay
his Forces, which he never had more need to oblige
and encourage, than at the instant.
From Paris, July 31. stil nove.
About 4, or 5 days ago here was a certain Priest
committed to prison in the Bastille, for making
bold with language against the Cardinall and other
Ministers of State.
The discourse holds still about the Pr: of Condes
endevor to make his peace with the Court. To
which it is added, That the like is endevored by
the Duke of Orleans, his Majesties Uncle, who
has long been a stranger to the Court, as the other.
It is said also, That the Count de Servient
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