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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

is gon on purpose to the said Du: to confer with
him about it, and to propound to him 4 Marriages,
viz. That the King, and his brother the D:
of A[unr]jon, might marry his 2. elder Daughters
by the second Wife; That the Duke of Savey
might marry Madamoiselle, the said Dukes daughter
by the first wife; And that the Duke of Enguien,
son and heir of the Prince of Conde, should
take to wife one of the Nieces of Cardinal Mazarin;
to which it is said, That the Du: of orleans
and Pr: of conde have given their consent. In
pursuance of these Proposals, the said Duke has
sent the Sieur de Verdonne to Court, who past by
here this last week.
The King, it is said, has bought Cazal of the
Duke of Mantua, for 3 Millions, and six hundred
of Livres;and he has sent the Count of serve to go
& meet the said Duke upon the Frontiers, who
is coming into Evance; Order is given to all Governers
and Towns to receive him in his passage
according to his birth and quality. The Princess
Palatine is arived here from Court, on purpose to
dispose matters for receiving this Duke, who is
her Nephew.
Duke Charls of Lorrain, prisoner in Spain endevoring
lately to make his escape out of the castle
of Toledo, was discovered, and prevented by a
more close confinement.
The Duke of Vendosme, Admiral of France, lies
ready with our Fleet at Toulon, expecting the
return of a Courrier whoth he had sent to Court
for Orders to set fail, a Spanish Fleet of 40. Sail
being at Naples.
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