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Mercurius politicus, Number 268, 26th July-2nd August 1655 E.850[21]

From Brussels, Aug. 1. Stile novo.
Our master the King of Spain goes now to
wrack very where. Besides what we have lost
and are like to lose at home, the French have of
late had very great successes in Catalonia, and at
this instant they are in the Dukedom of Milan,
and like to shake us in that our grand hold in Italy;
For by the last from thence we have very
ill news, that the French, the Duke of Sayoy,
and the Duke of Modena are all comblined together
against his Catholick Majesty, and have
drawn the Duke of parma to their party, who
hath given them passage through his Country
into the Territory of Milan; Insomuch that the
Duke of Modena's forces on the one side, and
the French and Savoyards on the other, passed
the three Rivers of Po, Thesin, and Tessinelle,
being advanced as far as betwixt Milan and Pavia,
and encamped about ten Italian miles from
the said capital City of Milan, so that the people
are put into great terror, disorder & confusion,
suspecting the safety of that great wealthy City,
it being surprized unawares by so many Forces.
As touching our domestick affairs, you are to
understand that our Enemy the French having
taken Landrecie, repaired the breaches, and
strengthned it wel both with men and ammunition
and victuals, marched presently with a part
of their Army before la Capelle, which they
thought to have gained out of hand with high
threats & bravado's: divers attempts they made
upon it by assault, but were so well received by
the defendants, that they were fain to retire
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