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Mercurius politicus, Number 272, 23rd-29th August 1655 E.852[18]

Numb. 272.
Mermcurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
-It à Vertere Sevia.
Ar. Pode
From Thursday August 23. to Thursday August29. 1655.
From Leith, August, 8.
I Have received three or four from you, which I had
returned answer to, but that I have been extreamly
ingmaged in the business of disbanding, which is now
near accomplished: yesterday Master Desbrow and
Colonel Lockhart with their Wives, came within
10 miles of this place, but rest at two Gentlemens Houses,
friends of theirs, til Monday next, when many intend to
meet them a good part of the way; we hope the rest of the
Council will not be long after.
From Vienna, 20. July. S. N.
His Emperiall Majesty remains still at Ebersdors. Its
said the King of Poland is sending an Ambassador to his
Majesty, to make a new agreement touching the Silefian
Dukedomes, Oppelen and Ratibor. Interim our Levies are
very strongly continued in these parts; we hope within
four Weeks time to have a body of between 8 and 10000
men a foot; those as are raised are presently sent to their
quarters in Bobemia and Moravia.
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