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Mercurius politicus, Number 272, 23rd-29th August 1655 E.852[18]

From Posen they write, that General Wittenbergh
was gone thence for Warta, a place of importance;
which he hopes will receive him in
the same manner, as Pesen hath done. His Majesties
of Swedens departure from Siettin, continues,
and its said he goes after, and intends to joyn
with Gen. Wittenbergh. Generals Low[unr]nbautt and
Gustavus Horn with their 12 or 14000 Livonians
stood (as the last Letters speak) five miles from
Wilda, hoping to reach that City (which they
say, after God, wholly confides in their protection)
before the Muscovites, though they with a
for greater strength are advancing towards it.
From Dantzick, Aug. 11. S.N.
Since my last, two Waywoods more have submitted
to the Swedes, who besides Posen, have
taken Lissa and Fravestadt. The King is marched
from Stettiu with 10000 men, and a brave Artillary,
for Posen, and so for Warsovia and Thorne
Gen: Wrangle hath order to come with his ships
for this Road. The King of Poland is in obscurity,
yet hath commanded up the Gentry, against
the 23 instant; but its thought he will sinde small
appearance and therefore some think he will
call in the Tartars, to destroy and spoil the
Country; others say by these combustions, if
they continue long, the Tartars will take occasion
on to break in and devour all. On the other side,
the Muscovites and Cossacks, have not onely
taken in Minsko, and the Country thereabouts,
but have beaten the remnant of the Littavish
Army out of the field, and are advanced within
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