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Mercurius politicus, Number 272, 23rd-29th August 1655 E.852[18]

nine miles of [unr]da. By this days Post from Riga,
they write 1500 Swedes are commanded to
Pilton, belonging to the Pole, which brings in
yearly rent 50000 Rixdollers, and that the Duke
of Curland hath taken in Swedish protection.
From keisbergh they report the Poles have
plundred out Wilda, and left it, the Muscovites
being within two miles of it. It is also said 10000
Tartars are within nine miles from Warshaw, but
no credit given to it.
From Posen, 3 Aug. S.V.
Since my last, two wa[unr]woods more are come
in. Field Marshal Wittenbergh stands with his
Army fix miles from this place, expecting his
Majesty, who is with all speed advancing towards
him, for to go for Warshaw; which place
hath likewise offered it self into the Generals
hands, but his excellency will not go thither
before the King comes in person, being desirous
to leave that honor to his Majesty.
From the French Leagure before Pavia in
Italy, August 10. The 30 last past the Marquess
de St andro Monbrun, one of our Lievtenant
Generals took an Abbey within Pistol shot of
the works, guarded by 300 men, who seeing
themselves so gallantly set upon by our men
made no great resistance, but forsook the place
to our men, who in the onset had only eight men
killed and fifteen wounded. The 31 it was resolved
in the Council of war, that the trenches
should be opened the day following, and that
the Prince Thomaso with his men should give
an onset to the Town by that Abbey, and the
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