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Mercurius politicus, Number 272, 23rd-29th August 1655 E.852[18]

having 40 men slain on their part, and only 8 of
ours; also that day we dismounted 3 peaces of
their Ordnance, the other works are followed
so close, that it is gone so far as to come to undermine
the main wals; at night the besieged
made great fires, which continued most part of
the night, the same being to give notice to the
Governor of Milan, that if so be he doth intend
to relieve them, he must come with all speed, by
reason hat they are not in a condition to hold
out; but the Prince doth not fear much the
attempt of the enemy; for through his great
care and vigilancie he hath fitted all things to
receive them; being seconded by the Lievtenant
Generals, who make all haste possible to gain the
place, and are in great hopes to obtain it by the
end of the moneth.
Wednesday August 22.
From Maidstone in Kent, Aug. 22. Yesterday
evidenc'd the falsity of that flying report of the
execution of Master Freeman Sands, the Son of
Sir George Sands of Shilvidge in Kent. He was
then ( after the commendation of his Soul to
God in Private ) attended ( he being clad in
mourning, and on Horseback ) with two Divines
and many Gentlemen to the place of
execution; where he stood like a mournfull
Penitent, whilst a Discourse for half an hour or
more was uttered by one of the Ministers, Concerning
the hainousness of Sin in general, and of
his Murther in particular, together with the
nature of Conversion, the parts and properties
of it; to which was adjoyned the freeness of
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