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Mercurius politicus, Number 272, 23rd-29th August 1655 E.852[18]

Gods mercy in the [unr] Jesue to all repentant
sinners; this done with an Exhortation to the
people to entertain a charitable and Christian
perswasion of the truth and Sincerity of Master
Sands his Conversion to the Lord: The Penitent
standing at the right hand of the foresaid
Minister, a prayer was conceived to recommend
his sad and mournfull Soul to God. This ended,
he went up the Ladder, and standing in the midst
of it, with great modesty and meekness he desired
the prayers of those that were present.
He like wise prayed to God to forgive him his
sinnes, against his Father and Brother, and praid
for a Blessing on his distressed Father, and closed
all with this, Gods will be done; and Lord receive
my Soul. After which words the Executioners
did his office, and his body being cut doen,
it was put into a Coach, and carried to a Church
adjoyning, where it lies interred.
After a short time there will come forth a
Book relating the passages of his Life and Death,
to Gods glory ( as is hoped ) and the Kingdoms
From Dublin, Aug. 13.
The Narrative of my Lord Henries Travels to
this place, I presume you have long ere this received,
which in a word, was in all circumstances
so successful, as if Heaven, Earth, and Sea had
conspired to make it favorable; insomuch, that
not a person, ( I may with safety adde )not a
Beast belonging to my Lords large retinue, but
arived, and at present continues is Dublin, with
as much or more health, then they left London;
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