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Mercurius politicus, Number 272, 23rd-29th August 1655 E.852[18]

St. Chislain, a strong place upon the River Haine, not far
from Mons, which had the same conditions as Landrecy,
and the Town of Conde had; and so this is the fourth Town,
that during this campagne, the French have taken from us,
but they have quitted one place, which is Bouines.
The people who fled out of the Country of Heynault,
to escape the insolence of the French enemy, are gotten into
that part of Flanders which is called Imperial Flanders,
making great spoil wheresoever they come; for, they pass
up and down about 9000 in number, 450 Carts and
Wagons, each having three houses, which make about 1350
horses, besides the women and children: There appears in
the men an inclination to take Arms under the conduct of
the Count of Sore.
The Estates of Brabant have resolved to raise 10000 chosen
men, and they of Flanders will do the Like, with which,
and some other small succors, we hope we shall be able to
hold our own, and make good resistance.
Queen Christina of Sweden hath made all things ready to
take her journey into Italy, in the beginning of next September.
The Archduke is already come hither to complement
her, and bid her adieu. We are here very careful in
resolving to fortifie this City, because of the Radomonts of
the French, who brag they will come and kiss our women,
as our men kissed theirs heretofore at Paris; we have raised
2200 men already for our preservation.
Ship arived this week in the Fort of London, viz
From Diepe[unr], with Tazels Paper, Canvas, Buckrom, and
some Druggs.
Rotterdam 1. with Brown-paper, Iron-pots, Iron-wyer, Latine
Books, Thred, Sugar-candy and Iron.
Barbadoes [unr] with Sugar Ginger, and Cotton-wool.
Virginia 1. with Tobacco.
Humburgh 1. with Linnen, Madder, Linnen-yarn, Lattin-wyer,
Norway 8. with Deal boards.
Roan [unr]. with Pazels, Linnen, Paper, Buckrom, and Glass
for Windows.
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