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Mercurius politicus, Number 272, 23rd-29th August 1655 E.852[18]

He was the last week entertained by the Universitie
of Dublin, being their Chancellor, with as
much demonstration of Humble Assection and Solemnity,
as they were able to express. He was met
at the outward Gate by Doctor Jones, Vice-Chancellor,
Doctor Winter Provost of Trinity Colledge,
and Doctor Dudley Loftus, Publick Professor of
the Civil Laws, together with about a dozen
Doctors more, all robed in Scarlet, who with the
rest of the Graduates ranked in their due order, attended
his Lordship into the Convention-house,
where he being placed in his State, heard the Congratulatory
Salutation of the University, from the
mouth of Doctor Roules; whose Speech being
ended, the Proctor made another Speech in order
to a Philosophy-act, which was very gracefully performed:
After which Doctor Loftus, as Doctor of the Chair, presented
Col. Sankey unto the Chancellor to be admitted Adeundem
gradum, he being formerly Doctor of the Laws in
Oxford, with a Speech, wherein he spoke much to the honor
of the Lord Protector, and the Chancellor, with some grateful
reflections upon the said Dr. Sankey, and the University.
After this presentation, he resented with another Eloquent
Oration, the Major General Sir Hardress Waller, the
Commissary General Sir John Reynolds, Sir George Askue, Sir
Timothy Tirril, and the Loard President of Conaught, to the
Chancellor, and the rest of the University, who being admitted
by the Vice-chancellor, repaired immediately to
Doctor Loftus, being seated in his Chair, who then directed
his Speech unto them, whereby he justified the Orders
and Degrees of Universities, and then conferred on them
severally, all the Ensigns belonging unto that Degree;
briefly setting forth the signification of them. He also used
all Ceremonies which were usual in the University of Cambridge,
and were without Superstition: Whereupon the
Vice-Chancellor made a grave Speech, Wherein he set forth
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