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Mercurius politicus, Number 276, 20th-27th September 1655 E.854[1]

Numb 276.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designes
now on foot in the three Nations:
In defence of the Commonwealth
and for Information of the People.
ltd [unr] sevia,
Mores [unr]
Ar. Pode
From Thursday Septemb. 20 to Thursday Sept. 27.1655.
From Kilkenny September, 11.
YEsterday, the Lord Henry, attended
by Maser Goodwin and Colonel
Thomlinson of the Council, with
Sir Hardres Waller, his life-guard
and severall Officers of the Army,
began his Progress towards this
Place. We came the last night to
Catherlow; within four miles of
the Town we were received by
Major Bolton with Colonel Prettyes Regiment: a mile
after, we were met by the Colonel himself, with the
Insignia of his Civill Capacity, as Sheriff of the County,
being attended by [unr]o servants in rich livery, as magnificent
as most Sheriffs I have seen in England. By these my
Lord was conducted to Catherlow-Castle, where seemed
to be a contest between the Martiall and Civill Powers,
who should pay the greatest respects to their welcome
Guests. We lodged there that night; the next morning
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