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Mercurius politicus, Number 262, 14th-21st June 1655 E.844[5]

Num. 262.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
------ It à verters Seria. {Hor at. et
Ar. po[unr].
From Thursday June 14. to Thursday June 21. 1655.
From Edenburgh. June 9.
WHat operation the report of these cruelties acted
upon the poor Protestants under the Duke
of Savoy, hath had upon our hearts here, you
may collect from the ensuing Address directed
to the Commander in chief.
To the Right Honorable Generall Monck, Commander in
Chief of the Forces in Scotland:
The humble Address of all the Officers in and about
the Head-Quarters.
WHereas we have had information confirmed by severall
Letters concerning a late Massacre and cruell
Murther committed against our brethren of the Protestant
Profession within the Dukedome of Savoy, by those of the
Romish Religion there, a people who have delighted in making
themselves drunk with the blood of the Saints, witness
that in Ireland, & c: and have had no small share in promoting
and something the late troubles that have bin amongst
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