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Mercurius politicus, Number 262, 14th-21st June 1655 E.844[5]

us. It doth lye much upon our Spirits to declare
to your Honor our deep and sad resentment of
their barbarous and inhumane cruelties, as also
our serious sympathie with these of our brethren
over whose heads God hath at present suffred that
Antichristian Enemy to ride, and we do further
desire to testifie to your Honour that if the Lord
shall make inquisition for that blood, and call us
or any of us to avenge the quarrell of his people
there, as we have been hitherto ready to contribute
our best endevors to those that God has set
in authority over us, in all lawful and just undertakings,
so wee will not with hold our assistance
from engaging in this Work, but do manifest our
readiness with al cheerfulnes to hazard our lives
and esta es, and all that is dear to us, in that controversie;
and doubt not but the Lord will give
us a signall testimony, of his Divine approbation
in it, which we conceive may (through the blessing
of God) conduce to his glory, and the safe &
peaceable being of those that desire to worship
him in Spirit and in Truth, and this wee humbly
present to your Honor, to be tendred to his Highness,
as to your Honor shall be thought sit.
Dated at Leith, June 9. 1655.
From Paris, June 16. stilo novo.
The Popes Nuntio being within these few daies
present at service in one of the Churches of this
City, it was told him that the Bishop of Constance
was there; whereupon, though service were
begun, the Nuntio ordered the Priest to cease,
saying he ought not to proceed, because of the
said Bishops presence, he standing excommunicate
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