Sign in
Mercurius politicus, Number 262, 14th-21st June 1655 E.844[5]

by the Pope for having given order for the
celebration of Easter without licence from
his holiues, or from the Cardinal De Retz, Archbishop
of this City.
The lady Martinossi, the Cardinalls Niece,
having been married at Court to the Prince of
Modena by Proxie, is now upon her journey
towards the Prince her husband; by the way
she wil be visited by the Princesse of Condi at
Lyon the 22 instant, having for that end taken
leave of the Prince her Husband, and after this
visit performed, she intends to goe to the Court
upon the Frontiers, where she was all the last
year, during the Campagne:
The only news here from Brussels is, that the
Spaniard there minds only the defensive.
From the Hague we hear, that the K. of Sweden
hath sent away an Envoye into Denmark, in order
to a Treaty with that King. Also, that his Majesty
of Sweden has set forth a Manifesto against Poland.
From Toulon they write, That the Du: of Vendosme
was come thither, having been received
with great joy of the Inhabitants, and that hee is
very diligent in his preparations for Sea with all
speed. It is written also, that the D: of Mercoeur
is returned thither with his Galleys, having only
seen the Fleets of England an Spain at Sea.
Letters from Montpelier advise, that the Protestants
of those parts have very much interested
themselves in the hardships put upon their Brethren
in the vale of Lucern &c. and have had many
meetings about that business, their Ministers
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