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Mercurius politicus, Number 262, 14th-21st June 1655 E.844[5]

again made a stop about Cremona, Pavla, and other
places adjacent, where it wil remain a while
in expectation of the new levies which we look
for from Germany. The French are yet at Annona,
and we cannot hear of a certain as yet, where
they intend to draw their Army. who in the mean
time doth daily go out upon parties, even as far
as Alexandria.
Take next part of a brief Account (as it was sent from
beyond sea) of the inhumand Bucheries acted upon the
poor protestants under the Duke of Savoy; which is
as followeth;
AMongst so many furious assaults, so many
violent attempts, and so black deceits and
treacheries, the ayr being all on fire by reason of
the flames, or all duskish by the smoak of burnt
Houses and Churches, did refound nothing else
but the Crys, Lamentations and fearful Scrichings,
made yet more pitiful by the multitude of
those Echho's, which are in those Mountains and
The Mother hath lost her sucking Child, the
Husband his Wife, the Brother his Brother, some
have been barbarously massacred, whilst they
were busie in saying some of their goods, others
having fled to escape to the tops of the Mountains,
were forced to cast themselves into the
hollows of Rocks, and amongst the snow, without
fire, without nourishment, without covering,
sick, old, wounded, women with child, of
whom many miscarried, and lay dead near their
children, after they had sustained themselves
with a little Snow, which was put and melted in
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