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Mercurius politicus, Number 262, 14th-21st June 1655 E.844[5]

she was cruelly treated by them, they
took her little child in swadling Bands, and threw
him from a precipice with many others. And
there have been many others who have been
to [unr] and split in the middle by two Souldiers,
woo took those innocent creatures, one by one
leg, and the other by the other, and after they
had torn each one hi, half, they beat one another
with it. They stripped naked many people, without
either distinction of age or sex, and cut their
bodies after such a maner, as would make one,
tremble to hear it recited, and then threw upon
them Salt and Gunpowder, and then putting on
them their shirts again, they set them on fire,
making them burn upon these poor martytrized
bodies. Others being naked, were tyed neck and
heels together, and rouled down some precipices.
They were so barbarous, as not to exempt one
Peter Symonde of Angrogne, being a hundred years
old, nor his wife, who was ninety five; they burnt
a great many in their houses, refusing to kil them
before, though they requested it: to others they
opened their breasts; to others they pulled out
their guts, and cut off their privy parts; after
they had abused several women, they thrust many
stones in their privy parts, and walked them
in this posture till they dyed.
They hanged others upon Trees by the feet, and
left them in that estate till they died. They gaunched
many, both by the Fundament, after the
Turkish manner, and across. They staked others
through the Belly to the ground, and drove the
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