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Mercurius politicus, Number 262, 14th-21st June 1655 E.844[5]

hinders me from proceeding further.
Having paused here a little and taken breath, I
shall say farther, that a poor old man, being ninty
five years old, called Mr Thomas Margher, having
been taken among therest, a French Officer, who
was present at his Martyrdome, relates of him,
that at the first time he refused to go to Mass, his
Nose was cut off; then being asked again, Whether
he would go to Mass, and having answered,
he would rather choose to dye, one of his Eares
was cut off, and then the other; and so every time
he said he would not go to the mass, one or other
of his Limbs was cut off; at length they hanged
him as they did the other two abovenamed; and
then this good old man with a smiling countenance
would say to his Executioners, Do ye lye and
torment my Body as much as you please, yet you cannot
touch my Soul, nor have ye any prisons or chains that can
keep it from going to heaven; but on the contrary, according
to the course of nature, having so little time yet to
live in this world, ye doe but hasten my deliverance, and
my happiness. Then having given thanks to God
for the honor hee did him to suffer for his name,
he prayed the Hangman to perform his duty.
Of the spoil of Provisions, of Wine spilt in abundance
by those who puld off the Iron hoops
from the Vessels, or of the Cattell, or of their
plunder, say we any thing; The very Women
came from the farthest part of Pi[unr]dmont, and carryed
away all to the very Brooms.
From Roterdam, June 19.
There arived lately and East-India strip cald the
Drake in the Tessell, for the accompt of the chamber
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