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Mercurius politicus, Number 262, 14th-21st June 1655 E.844[5]

Wen are advised by Letters out of Languedot,
that all the Roman Catholicks of that Province,
through the incitement of their Priests & Preachers,
and their Lords of that Religion, have furnished
themselves with all sorts of Arms and pouder
and shot, pretending they fear lest the Protestants
at Utsts, Florensac, and other Places of Languedae,
Guienne Limonsin, yea and those in the
Vallies of Piedmont, should rise and call them to
an Account for all Injurjes, so that they say they
have reason to stand upon their guard; which
they doe without any leave from the King.
Letters from Grenoble, of the 6 instant, do
relate that one Captaine Jayer, being followed
by about 2000. Inhabitants of the Valleys of
Piedmont, had wholly defeated the Savoy and
Piedmont Forces, having slain between 7, & 800
men, most of the Irish Regiment, and had taken
many cattall, and 600 Wagons laden with the
spoiles that their Enemies had taken from thei
poor brethren in the said Valleys.
Its certified also from the same hand, That som
of the Inhabiants of Pignerol having kild 2. Protestants
of the vale of Perouse, the next day those
of the valley to the number of 30. to vindicate
the blood of their brethren, burnt some of their
house, & put al they found in them to the sword.
The Lords of the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland,
have sent deputies to the Court of Savey,
to demand of the Duke a debt of 7. Millions of
Crowns and in case he give not a satisfactory
Answer, to declare that they intend to pay themselves
as they can find opportunity.
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