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Mercurius politicus, Number 613, 22nd-29th March 1660 E.182[10]

Numb. 613.
Mercurius Politicus
The sum of Foreign Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on Foot in the Three Nations
And particularly those of the Honarable
City of LONDON.
Published by Order.
From Thursday March 22. 1659 to Thursday March 29.1660.
From Dover, March 23.
FRom the Flemish Coast we have News, that
the Peace between France and Spain, hath
at length been proclaimed with very great
solemnity at Brussels, and in all the other
Towns of note throughout Flanders.
Also that the Princess of Orange, having
been highly caressed with her Brothers a Brussels, was departed
parted thence to Antwerp, being conducted thither by her
Brothers, in order to her return into Holland.
That at Dunkirk, our Friends are in a good posture, to
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