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Mercurius politicus, Number 613, 22nd-29th March 1660 E.182[10]

the day in two battles against the Turks, and hath taken
prisoner in Harmstad the new Prince and his Brother, whom
they say, be hanged over the Wall, and another Turkish
Lord was slung over the Wall, having been first killed, which
brought great terror among the Turkish Soldiery. But the
great V[unr] of Officers landed presently after that with many
thousands at Arlar, and is ready to present battle to prince
Ragotzi, who went to meet him with a numerous armie of
Hungarians, and gets strength more and more.
From the Hague 18 March, S. N.
The Lords States General are preparing an answer to the
proposition made by the French Embassador on the 15 of
March, at their full meeting, concerning Peace between the
Northern Kings, which the King of France presseth hard
for. Their Lordships are much distasted about the now impost
laid on every Town in France upon forrain ships,
which is prejudiciall to the free trading between the Nations.
From Vie[unr]na, March 8.
The Embassadors of the Prince Elector palatine are come
hither to perform to the Emperor their Fealty. The prince of
Gonzaga, president of the Militia, is upon going to the Prince
Elector of Brandenburg, to consult with him about necessaries,
conducing to the carrying on of their warr.
Monsieur Gravel, French Ambassador in Ordinary, is coming
hither to conferr with the Spanish Embassador the Marquis
De Fuentes, about the expediting of the Treatie of
Peace at Oliva, that it may the sooner be brought to a period
betwixt Poland and Sweden.
Another of the same.
Prince Gonzaga is going as Embassador to the Electoral
Princes of Saxonie and Brandenburg; from thence he intends
to go to the Armie in Pomerania, perhaps to be Lieutenant
General there.
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