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Mercurius politicus, Number 374, 30th July-6th August 1657 E.195[19]

Bells ringing', and bonfires blazing; all being done with
much joy and rejoycings: then the Bailiff and his brethren, with
some Country Gentlemen, and women, with the officers of
the Company were feasted gallantly, with much joy on all
sides, and good expressions, long live the Lord Protector;
after dinner, a whole volley of small shot was given by the
whole company who fired at once. So all were discharged,
and every man well pleased went home to his habitation.
From the French Camp at Blecy July 30. S. N.
Our General, Marshal Tureine, having Intelligence, that
the Enemy had quitted the Station which they held about 15.
dayes between le Catelet and Cambray, and that they were
advanced toward St Quintin, with intent to go to Fonsomme,
and having thereupon ordered the Marquis of Hoquincourt
with 500 horse to attend their motion is himself come to encamp
in this place, that he may lie betwixt their Army and
Montmedi, knowing, that their purpose is not to go over the
river Somme, but only to alarm our people upon the Frontire
in hope to draw the Marshal off from hence, th[unr] so t[unr]ey might
have a way left open in Luxembourgh. Nevertheless here [unr]
will stand, being resolved to defeat their intended signe of
rele[unr]eving Montmedi, and also, to secure the Town[unr] Rnetel
and Castle Porcien, which places are not at present very well
provided, but order is taking to send them more Force and
From Corbie, of the same date.
The Sieur of Hondancour, our Governour, having on the
28 instant, had advice from Marshal Tureine, that he should be
carefull to put himself in a posture of defene that he may be
ready to oppose the Enemy in case they should Attempt to
besiege him he h[unr]th taken in a Regiment of Foot, and some
of the Kings dragoons, with 4 Companies of the French
guards, and two of the Switzers, besides a great number of
Gentlement Volunteers that are his Friends. Being thus provided
for assuring of this place, he immediately sent out several
parties to gain Intelligence of the Enemy; one which brought
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