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Mercurius politicus, Number 374, 30th July-6th August 1657 E.195[19]

back word, that the Enemy was broken up from Fonsomme
about da[unr]light in the morning, where they had been encamped
and had sent our betwixt 3 and 4000 horse to plunder towards
Chauny, [unr], Magny, and that afterwards they with
their whole Army retired toward Guise, with ten days provisions
and 20 Field Pieces, al their chief Baggage and great guns
being tid up at Cambray, together with all their Pioneers,
their [unr]oats, and their other instruments which are necessary
for pa[unr]ing of Rivers; by which we plainly perceive, they had
an inti[unr]nt to have fallen upon this Place, but that the fresh
Forces put in here, and the vigilance of our Governer hath
made them to after their Resolution.
From Elbing in Prussia July 20.
We can heare of nothing yet of any action passed between
the Armys: but we expect news every hour out of Poland
whether any battail hath been fought between the Austrian
and Po[unr]onian Forces and Prince Ragotzi his Army, or whether
they stand upon Agreement: because we hear for certain
that the Armyes hold close one to the other.
We hear news from Curland that the Moscovites, are with
40000 men arrived in Liesland near Wolmar, and that Count
Magnus de la Gardie his Forces were totally defeated, and the
City taken; but of this is no certainty. The French Ambassador
Count de Avancourt was ready for his journey at Danzick,
to go thence to Pomerania to his Majesty the King of
Sweden, but having then received Letters to the contrary it
made him alter his journey; and he is now upon going to Koningsberg.
From Dantzick July 21.
We had received several Letters; as from Elbing, Thoren
and Koningsberg, Curland &c. which intimate, that Count
Magnus de la Gardie, upon information how that the Moscovian
Army were in their march toward Wolmer. Riga, met
them with his Army, who fighting with an Army stronger
then his, he was totally defeated, and it is not known, whether
the said Count Magnus be dead or alive; the Moscovites after
the defeat given have besieged the said Wolmar which (It is
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