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Mercurius politicus, Number 440, 28th October-4th November 1658 E.195[25]

To his Highness the Lord Protector of the Common wealth of
England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions and
Territories thereunto belonging.
The humble and most hearty Addresses and acknowledgments
of the Mayor, and Magistrates of the Borough of
Devizes, on the behalf of themselves, and the Corporation
May it please your Highness,
THE sence we have of the great stroak of God upon our
selves and this Nation in taking away his late Highness,
your Father of blessed Memory from among us, might cause
us to be in a posture of weeping and lamentation, but that the
same God hath taken away the sharpness thereof, by so peaceable,
calme and contentfull a bringing in of your Highness
(his rightfull successor) into his place and stead. As wee (before
many Towns of the West of England) have cause to condole
with your Highness for so great a loss, because God was
pleased to make him Instrumentally a Saviour to our Town,
that it was not made by our cruell Enemies a heap of Ashes; so
likewise with thankfulness to congratulate your Highness (the
noblest branch of that most renowned stock so lately taken
from us) preserv'd by God to arive at this place of dignity
where you now stand, to be the preserver of ours and the Nations
forewrought deliverances and salvations. In times of old,
when God took away Moses from his people, in tender mercy,
he gave them a Joshua to succeed him, such are our hopes of
your Highness, and as our hopes are, such are our thoughts
and desires towards you in this our Address, That God who
hath thus raised you, will bless you, and make you strong in
his work, giving you a heart to follow the steps of your ever
to be remembred Father, in countenancing a godly and pious
Magistracy and Ministry, As also all the Lords people under
your Government, against the subtile and malicious Enemies
of both, And for our parts we do profess our readiness and
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