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Mercurius politicus, Number 440, 28th October-4th November 1658 E.195[25]

From Vienna, Octob. 7.
His Imperial Majesty and the Archduke Leopold safely
arrived here on the first of October in the afternoon about
4 of the clock; making his entry at the Stuber Gate, he
was magnificently fetcht in, congratulated and entertained.
The Gentry brought then 4 Troopes of Curassiers, and four
Troops of horse in a red Liverie, with silver laces, white hats
white and red Feathers in them, and the other had double
red scarffs. The City had three troops of horse also consisting
of Merchants and Gentlemen; which were gallantly accoustred;
the rest of the Citizens stood in their Arms, the
guns were three times discharged after Te Deum was ended.
And to the top of the Steple of St Steven, one climbed up
to florish the flag. His imperial Majesty passed under a Canopy
carried by 8 Aldermen, all cloth of Gold, which had
a spread Eagle on the top, and behind it was a golden L. for
Leopoldus. On the next day the said Horse presented themselves
again, and his Imperial Majesty viewed them. The
States presented his Majesty 50000 Gold-gilders, to which
the City contributed a good share. The Moscovy Amabassador
is now fetch in; what he comes for time will shew. The
States of Hungary continue here still; it is hoped, that their
consultations will tend speedily to this, how Prince Ragotzi,
may be assisted against the Turk.
From Madrid, Sep. 25.
We received news from Merida that the Portugez reinforce
their Camp before Badajox, the Queen of Portugal
is not far off from that Camp, and is said also to have been
within the lines to animate her people. However ours make
ready to fall upon them, assoon as the forces which are expected
are come together in a Body; especially foot forces
are expected from Catalonia; 2000 foot, and 300 horse are
leavied in the Kingdom of Murcia, to be employed in this
expedition, which are to be conducted and commanded by
Baron of Calonne, General of the Artillery.
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