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Mercurius politicus, Number 440, 28th October-4th November 1658 E.195[25]

There hath been lately made to his Highness, an Address
of the Town of Chesterfield, which was presented by Captain
Gabriel Waine in the name of the said Borrough, and his
Highnes was pleased to receive it with a very noble Affection,
having a very particular regard to the Fidelity of the persons
therein concerned.
To His Highness RICHARD Lord Protector of the
Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and
the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging.
The Humble and hearty Address of the Mayer, Aldermen, Burgesses,
Ministers and other Inhabitants of the Borrough of
Chesterfield, in the County of Derby.
Their deep sence of the Lords hand gone out against
them in the death of His Highness your renowned
Father, at such a time when he was eminently engaged in the
most considerable undertakings that have been on foot of late
against the Enemys of the Kingdom and Government of our
Lord Jesus Christ, yet followed with abundant hopes, that
be will bless and prosper his great work, in that (to our inexpressible
comfort) he hath by his might and wisdom raised
up your Highness to promote the same Common-Interest
of his own Syon: Wherefore we seriously considering the
Land of our God in these dispensations, and desiring the true
welfare of your Highness and the Commonwealth, do as in
the Lords sight most cordially and sincerely submit our selves
to your Highness as our cheif Magistrate, and promise in the
strength of Jesus, to be assistant to you, with whatsoever
is precious in our eyes, assuring our selves that you will continue
to promote and carry on the great affairs committed to
your management to the Glory of God, and for the good
and safety of his people in the tree Nations, which is your
only honor. And we shall not be wanting to improve our Interest
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