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Mercurius politicus, Number 440, 28th October-4th November 1658 E.195[25]

Also, that the Duke of Parma, the Prince of Monaco,
and divers other Princes of Italie, will also meet their Majesties
to salute, and treat about their particular Affairs.
From Coppenhagen 14 Oct.
We got some provision from Laland for the Kings Kitchin
and some Swedish Vessels have been brought up also. The
Swedish shoot continually into the City; they have slung in
many great Granadoes, which have spoiled many houses,
especialy on the Western quarter; in order whereto they raised
their batteries the higher against the West Gate, from whence
they made the streets toward the Castle very unsafe to walk in.
A Swedish ship was brought up 2 dayes agoe in which were 16.
Guns and soldiers to be transported to Riga. These men had
been prest for the service in Schonen, and were to be imployed
in Liefland against the Polanders. Our King hath received diverse
letters from the Lords States General, in which they
assure his Majesty of their helpe.
From Hoessem, 16 October.
The Prince Elector of Brandenburg lies here still, expecting
his foot and the Imperial Army. The Deputies of the
Duke of Holstein are here also soliciting for Neutrality, which
is denyed, because they took in a garrison of the Enemy. The
Danish Commander Eberstein declareth, that in Tonningen
there is a regiment which belongs to the King of Sweden,
which if he will yeild together with Tonningen and Gottorp,
then he may be permitted to stand Neuter, provided also that
he set the Gates thereof open for the Imperial, Brandenburgish
and Polonian forces to enter as they ought, according to the
Statutes of the Empire, when the Armies are abroad in defence
of the Empire. The Polish General Czarneski is expected
here to day; and other Generals also are to meet, to
deliberate about the ordering of the designes they have in
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