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Mercurius politicus, Number 440, 28th October-4th November 1658 E.195[25]

Advertisements of Books newly published.
Horometrid, or the compleat Dialiist. Wherein the whole mystery
of the Art of Dialling is plainly taught three several ways; two of which
are performed Geometrically by Rule and Compass onely; And the third
Instrumentally by a Quadrant fitted for that purpose, By Tho. Styrrup.
The Sector on a Quadrant, or a Treatie containing the Description and [unr]
four several Quadrants; two small ones and two great ones, each rendred
many ways, both general and particular. Each of them accommodated for
Dialling. By John Collins.
Englands Warning-piece, or the History of the Gun-powder Treason, Inlar[unr]
with some notable Passages not heretofore published. By T.S. All sold by
T. Pierrepont at the Sun in Pauls Church-yard.
BALZAC'S Remains, or his last Letters, written to several grand and eminent
persons in France. Whereunto are annexed his Familiar Letters. Sold
by T. Dring, at the George in Fleet-street near St Dunstans Church.
The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Pitmont,
containing a most exact Geographical Description of the Place, and a
faithful account of the Doctrine, Life and Persecutions of the antient Inhabitants.
Together with a most naked and punctual Relation of the most
bloody Massacre 1655. And a Narrative of all the following Transactions to
the year of our Lord, 1658. By Samuel Morland Esq; To be sold by Adoniram
Bifield, at the three Bibles in Cornhil next to Popes-head Alley.
Urne Burial, or a discourse of Sepulchral Urns, lately found out in Norfolk; together
with the Garden of Cyrus. By Tho. Brown, D. of Physick.
Adam out of Eden, or an abstract of divers excellent Experiments, about the
advancement of Husbandry. By Ad. Speed, Gent. Both sold by H. Brown, at
the Gun in Ivy-Lane.
DAniel Midleton about 30 years of age, of a middle stature, Beardless, his
hair brown and bushy curled, and of a reasonable length, his Cloak and
Suit of a light grey cloth; he came lately out of Ireland, a servant to Sir Matth.
Thomlinson, but since run away from him with certain goods of his, and hath
wronged him much in several things wherewith he was trusted of great consequence,
and committed to his charge. As also with things of Major Leventhorps
who trusted him with the receiving of several good sums of moneys of his in Ireland,
wherein he hath dealt very falsly, and is now run away with the same,
as also with Writings of much consequence, to the Gentlemans half undoing.
If any man shall bring tidings of him to Mr. George Manly's house in St.
in Westminster, he shall be well rewarded for his pains.
IF any stand in need of Drury-house Double-Bills upon the Navy Act, of an old
date, viz in 1652. for payment of Second Moyeties, they may be furnished at
Mr William Wheatleys at Fleet-bridge, Grocer.
DAniel Neech, alias Carlton (supposed to be about the City) of tall stature,
long Visag'd, a down look, black hollow eyed, a sad brown hair, somewhat
short and curled, a little stooping at shoulders, about 26 year old, of a pale complexion,
in a new grey Sute and Coat with black Ribbon, a ruff black Hat,
Who is run from his Master with several sums of money. Make stay of him, and
give notice to Mr. Richard Lightfoot next to the Mitex Tavern in Woodsureer,
and you shall be well paid for your pains.
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