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Mercurius politicus, Number 440, 28th October-4th November 1658 E.195[25]

To his Highness Richard Lord Protector of the Commonwealth
of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions and
Territories thereunto belonging.
The humble Addresse of the Justices of the Peace, and
other the Gentlemen, Ministers, Freeholders, and Inhabitants
of the County of Bedford.
THat we are very sensible of the great breach the Lord in
his Providence hath made upon these Nations, in the
death of your Highness (and his Countries) renowned Father,
whom God was pleased to make eminently useful and
successful in his day; Yet we cannot but much acknowledg
the goodness of God who hath in a great measure scattered
our fears and turned our mourning into Joy, by your Highness
hapyy and peaceable entrance into the Government of
these Nations, even to the astonishment and wonder of the
Enemies, and satisfaction of the good people thereof, which
we hope is an earnest of future mercy, and that God will use
your Highness, to carry on his work in your Generation, and
make your Mountain to stand strong.
And that your Highness may carry on your Government
in the strength of the Faith and Prayers of good People, We
humbly pray your Highness to continue to imitate your Religious
Father in being an example of true Piety and Holiness
to these Nations.
That you would countenance and encourage learning, and
a godly faithfull and painfull Ministry, and all the sincere
professors of the Gospel.
That you would prefer to places of Trust and Authority
in these Nations, able men, fearing God, and of known integrity,
that so Judgement and Rightenousness (which must exalt
a Nation) may run down amongst us like a mighty River.
And upon serious thoughts of t[unr]e great dealings of God in
the late revolutions of his Providence, Wee have thought
it our Duty to give a publick testimony of our hearty affections
an[unr] readiness in our several places and capacities, to the
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