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Mercurius politicus, Number 596, 24th November-1st December 1659 E.195[43]

Numb. 596.
Mercurius Politicus
The sum of Foreign Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the Three Nations
For Information of the People.
Published according to Order.
From Thursday Novemb. 24. to Thursday Decemb. 1. 1659.
From Paris, 30 Nov. S.N.
THe Kings Palace here called the Louvre is now
finishing against his coming hither; there are
abundance of men at work about it; it will
be one of the biggest and fair[unr] Houses the
King hath when it is quite finished.
The Cardinal is now with the Court at Thoulose, where
they intend to make some stay this Winter.
The peace hath not yet been proclaimed here, but it is said
that the Marshal of Turcine hath had orders sent him to
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