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Mercurius politicus, Number 596, 24th November-1st December 1659 E.195[43]

From Presburg, Novemb. 6.
The Dyet holds still; and the Hungary States are frequent
in consultation. The Lutheran States have brought in their
Greivances, concerning the free exercise of their religion,
and it is likely they shall obtain a grant of that request. It is
rumored, that the Turk had taken the strong place Veradun,
belonging to Prince Ragotzi: if this news should hold,
then this Dyet will hold a great while longer.
Prince Rupert Palatine, marched towards Pomerania on
the 4 November with the Imperial Regiments lately leavyed,
which did till then enquarter in Bohemia; the next day after
followed 30 Waggons of Ammunition.
A particular Relation from Funen, concerning the Landing of
the Confederate Forces in that Island: Together with a
List of the Swedish Officers and Soldiers in Funen.
From Cartmunde.
According to my promise, these are to acquaint you,
That sailing away from Kiel with the fleet in calm weather,
on the 27 of October, we in the evening cast anchor
not very far in the Sea.
On the 28. we sailed on with a small wind, till we came
under Laland Albogen; the enemy then, as well in Laland
as Langeland, set several Beacons on fire.
On the 29. the wind being contrary, we sailed under
Slieps-hoffen, where about ten of the clock at night, I went
out with 1200 Musquettiers, with an intent to make an attaque
upon Newburg, and to carry it; but by reason of a
storn and dark night, our design had no success.
On the 30. was a Council of War held, as which time
the enemy shot many great Balls from Slieps-hoffen against
us, but we would not answer them in that way, however it
was resolved on that day, that this Town Cartemunde
should by the way be attaqued; which was performed also on
the 31 in the following manner.
The Field Marshal thought fit to send afore by night, between
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