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Mercurius politicus, Number 597, 1st-8th December 1659 E.195[44]

Numb. 597.
Mercurius Politicus
The sum of Foreign Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the Three Nations
For Information of the People.
Published according to Order.
From Thursday Decemb. 1. To Thursday Decemb. 8. 1659.
From Amsterdam, Decemb. 1. 8. N.
OUr Admiral the Lord of opdam having
given a full account at several Audiences
before the Lords States General, concerning
the exploits and condition of
their Fleet in the North Seas, hath given
so good satisfaction, that he hath
received many thanks, and a gift is preparing
to be presented to him in the name
of their Lordships, as a mark of Favor, for his good Services.
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