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Mercurius politicus, Number 597, 1st-8th December 1659 E.195[44]

Monsieur Coyet the King of Swedens Minister
declared at his Audience, among other things,
that it was desired, that a Treaty for a Peace,
betwixt his Master and the King of Denmark,
might be carried on at the Hague, alledging that
our Ambassadors which are upon the place are not
sufficiently instructed touching the Interests of
the two Parties; and that afterwards he will proceed
to treat about the ratification of the Treaty
made at Elbing.
From the Imperial Camp before
Stettin, Novemb. 20.
Our siege hath been exceedingly retarded, fast
by the extreame rains that have fallen, next by the
Swedes having gotten into the City a relife of
men, and some Boats laden with Corn, Beer, and
other Provisions, which they received in with very
great shout, to signisie to us the reception of
that succor; thereupon, we have thought meet
to retire at some distance, but with resolution
shortly to draw on again, as soon as the Recruits
of Imperial horse (which are about 2000) shall
arive from Silesia, and the Traine of Artillery.
The Swedish General Wrangel having refreshed
his men in the Isle of Usedom, is now designeing
some new Enterprise, which some think is
said to disturb the Brandenburghers before Demin.
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