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Mercurius politicus, Number 597, 1st-8th December 1659 E.195[44]

From Copenhagen, Novemb. 30.
The Ambassador of France, and the Picnipotentiaries
of England being returned out of
Falster from the King of Sweden, do relate, that
they had found very good effects of their mediation
with that King, he having been well disposed
to a Peace; but during their Conference with
him, news being brought of the landing of the
Confederate Forces in the Isle of Funen, he immediately
got on horseback, with a resolution to
collect 4000 men for the reliefe of his men there,
and to endeavor a driving out the said Confederates.
The Holland Ambassadors are not yet come
back, being constrained to stay by the way, by
reason of their having been robb'd by forty horsemen
in disguise, who set upon them, they not
staying for the 300 horse which were appointed
to conduct them in safety.
Notwithstanding what hath passed, the King of
Sweden pretends himself of the same inclination
as before to Peace, but first he will attempt the recovery
of that Island, for which he hath this ground
of hope, that the principal strengths thereof are
still in the hands of his Officers, this will (its conceived)
occasion a battail there.
His Majesty of Denmark, upon notice given,
that the Chevalier Coyet was sent by the K of
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